Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Near death experiences...

Where my whole life flashed right across my eyes...
Or so, it would seem.

Cutting a corner too fast,
I almost rammed the edge.

Holding my breath for too long,
I nearly ran out of breath.

Almost falling into the drain, with my hands sprawled against the wall,
My first few lessons learning how to ride a bike.

Riding a roller coaster at lightning speed,
I almost fell off my seat.

ALMOST. Or so it would seem.

Nothing like a rush of adrenalin pumping in your blood,
Nothing like a feeling of pure exhilaration.
Chills running down your spine,
Shocks of electricity jolting you back to life.

Giving you a reason to live.
Reminding you of your existence.
The extra push you need to exert yourself.

When I go to heaven,
I want my life to count,
To meet God face to face,
Hearing the words...
"Well done, Melissa. You good and faithful servant!"

P.S. I've yet to learn how to ride a bike, properly.
LiSs ^^

Monday, December 22, 2008

Just another case of...

Being at the Wrong Place, at the Wrong Time.
Being at the Right Place, at the Right Time.
Being at the Wrong Place, at the Right Time.
vice versa.

You call them pure coincidence,
mere accidents,
bad judgements...
I call them. Fate.

When what would seem to be a shed of light or a ray of hope,
Just a shift in course would be enough to place one in a predicament amidst the deep blue of the sea.

When all appears to be well and dandy,
Just a wrong foot forward would be enough to crush one's visions and dreams.

When all that one thrived on was because of a perfect image,
Just a touch of reality would be enough to shatter its fragile elements.

Yes, its one of those cases.
Nothing happens without reason.

I'm having one of those nights.
LiSs ^^

Sunday, December 21, 2008

At long last!

After months of procrastinating and leaving drafted posts unfinished and unpublished, I've determined to post this, even if its gonna end up to be a short or pointless one. I'm not going to give excuses for my absence despite my unreasonably tight schedule, but for my lack of persistence and devotion.

No, I've never understood how some people never fail to take time off their schedule to update their blogs. For me, it's the television and whatever else that does not require me to use my brains (I still haven't found time to clean my room after exams =p). But it is rather comforting to be letting out a few things off my mind sometimes, I tend to keep them very much to myself.

So, what has been going on in my secret life? Unfortunately, nothing much. Yes, I've just finished my exams, officially a graduate a total bummer a missionary, traveller. Truth is, events follow, one after another. Aside from birthdays, even my mom's 50th, other celebrations and never forgetting some milestones.

Thanks to Project Management, I've learnt that milestones do not have a duration, but only marks a significant event in our schedule called life. A milestone in our life is something only for us to value as it may be only significant to some, those who are affected by it. If you think you may be someone in one area, remember you are part of a city, state, nation, region, continent, world, galaxy and ultimately the entire universe. Now, who do you think you are?

Back to my point, your significant event...may not be so significant after all. Oooh, I've just burst a bubble. Not to sound jaded, but...life's like that sometimes. It's not always about me, my and myself. Nor you, you and you. So...what if people do not appreciate you for who you are and not value the things you do...We all have our own unique experiences no one could ever take them from us. So, treasure every little thing you have but continue to stay down-to-earth.

So much for this being a short post. I drift away. Sometimes. For the most part.

Let's see what have I done so far...Right after exams, my cell group were caught up with the CouZ Talent Night by SIBKL. Every night, we would gather to practise for the audition happening on Sat night. At first, we were ambitious enough to come up with a 5 number performance. Of a dance, song, mime, stomp and media. More like a copy of 30 seconds to fame where each number would last 30 seconds centered on the theme, 'One'.

The plan failed. Miserably. Strike 1 was with the dance which was supposed to be led by Bryan who, was not very much a dancer himself (sorry Bryan! for the record, none of us are, excepting Bernice's solo with you as the pole. Told you that could have worked better with you standing still =p)

Strike 2 - Stomp led by Laura
We could not possibly some up with any neat, tight beats even after countless times of watching it on YouTube. So, out you go! Well at least we did have fun boom banging and cling clanging buckets and pans. =D

Strike 3 - Mime led by myself
This, we had some sort of idea from Lindy and were halfway there. Nonetheless, not enough to make a stunning performance and therefore, scrapped.

Strike 4 - Media by John
Due to insufficient time, he didn't manage to come up with it.

After 4 strikes, what else is left but the song, which we did. Conventional style. The Amazing Grace (My chains are gone) presented to you by One United cell.

Since I had my mom's 50th on that Sat of the audition day itself, I didn't join them on auditions. My mom's birthday's another event on itself feat. the Grease theme with Uncle Tony, the disco king.

The next week was also spent on practising for the big day, the Talent Night itself. We made through to the finals! Apparently, the judges are really nice people who couldn't turn anyone down even if they were really bad. Or they expected 10 groups to perform but since only 9 groups participated, we all made it! But auditions wouldn't be complete without comments and boy did we get ours! The judges were confused of us being a performance or a worship team? Amazing Grace, much? And the girls' voices were not strong enough. Fair enough, for most of us girls, it was our first time. We definitely had a lot of catching up to do.

After many nights of toiling...*pause* for effect...our every bit of effort paid off. We displayed more confidence, more coordination and more voice, according to Lindy, our image consultant =p Excepting the fact that, the other groups were way better than us! We knew for sure, we didn't deserve to win. Despite that, Laura contributed to us being the top 2 on the SMS votes. At least, we were mentioned apart from the rest of us non-winners getting consolation prizes of free TGV movie tickets (no surprise there).

After supper, on that fateful night...While Bryan drove Laura and I back home, we met an accident on the highway. To keep the long story short, we survived from what would have been a nasty accident with only some sprains, bruises and cuts. And the moral of the story, always buckle up, even behind!

This ended up to be a much longer post than i expected. Oh well, I'll leave the rest for another day. So, there's something to look forward to.

That's all for now, folks!
Next up, Thailand and Singapore!
LiSs ^^