Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Toastmaster Milestone

Today marks the day I gave my first Toastmasters speech. They call it maiden speech.

Yes, finally. With my speech entitled, "I had a dream".

To be honest, I went through the whole ritual of procrastination, not preparing my speech until just the day before. Funnily enough, I did prepare a speech 3 days before but I didn't feel it appropriate or worthy for public ears. It wasn't until the day before that I was confirmed to give a speech on this very day.

Going through the writers' block that couldn't have come on a more timely period (don't they always) I resorted to find my inspiration piece in this very forlorn place, already lacking in audience and collectibles.

At first it was merely a cut and paste affair where I had to craft my speech around my used phrases, but thanks to a friend, we managed to make some sense out of it.

I had my expectations on myself, others had expectations on me, me being one who is not new to public speaking as I have been involved in church activities. The pressure was on.

I did my share of work, put it as much effort and the best that I can given the time frame I have subjected myself to.

Ultimately, what was done was done, I delivered my speech, although perhaps not in the fashion I fancied. Losing my train of thought having to recall my speech, that was something I needed improvement on.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Managing Expectations....

When at work, your boss expects more from you. Greater productivity, greater efficiency, greater responsibility.

When at home, your parents expects you to be alert and on standby mode for most times.

When out, your friends expects you to be entertaining, lively, joyous and (yes, I am bold to use this word in this century) gay.

So I am asking you, how can we ever please everyone?!

Let me just illustrate...

So your boss expects you to finish up your work, but since you have a pile of files to conquer...
You, being a productive, efficient and responsible employee, takes back your work home.

Thinking of how lucky the firm is to have you...
You bring back the work home only to find that the house is not in order and that your parents expect you to be on your tippy toes with your ears perked up constantly.

" Come this, go there, do this, don't dare" rhymes in your ear.

In between serving their demands and squeezing in some time to work (if you can concentrate, that is), you get a phone call from your friends.

After exchanging hellos and "how are you"s, they manage to coax you into going out...
By using the oldest tricks like commenting on how you don't have a life, how long it has been since the both of you caught up and much worse, 'the friend card' (*scary music playing in background*)

Just as you think you are doing both your friends' and yours (since you don't have a life apparently) a favour, your friends' comment on your zonked-out face and lax (or lack of) response.

In the end, all you get is a tired, frustrated, blacked-face you.

Since you...
didn't manage to finish your work - had to slog the next week too
disappointed your parents - they really counted on you
lost some friends (maybe) - they would never call you out again, party-pooper
hate everything about yourself - can never face yourself again

Now after all that, the moral of the story is...

It's all the fault of work!

So never sacrifice anything, everything for it...

Let everything be in proportion,
LiSs ^^

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

sO bLeSsEd...beyond words.

Thought of updating after what has been a long time, crucial events past.

So now work does not seem at all a pain, hurt comes in many other different ways too...
Just to keep it simple and direct, been through quite challenging times, times where it seems like the air is still and no one hears you...

Mom, we'll always be there for you no matter what and seeing you keep strong makes us even want to fight more...

But the tough gets us going still and to praise Him for all He has done.

Count it a blessing that so many care and even praying along worldwide. Just today, Pastor Irvin Rutherford came over just to share and to pray with us. Not to make a big deal out of it but how often do we get that honour? Just goes to show much Mom is loved.

Certainly it makes a whole lot of difference. Your prayers, encouragements, chores etc. mean a lot to us.
On behalf of my family, I can say this with great confidence, A BIG THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.

We love you...never give up on us.