Thursday, July 12, 2007

Catching up...

Yes, finally...
I'm here for you guys to catch up with me while I catch up with others...

Well, it's been busy this couple of weeks, probably why I have not been writing (an excuse eh?=p)

exams, have been far out of my mind, now for, the results, nerve wrecking, but nevertheless, important...

anyway, that aside, you're probably thinking what I have been doin during my hols...
all I can say, it's been great!!!
Got to catch up with a lot of the GT Klang folks here, everyone's going to Hillsongs Conference in Sydney!!! So yea, Kenny from Taz, Irvin from NZ, Dan from Syd. The first week of hols was spent mostly with them (well, during most of my hols, anyway!)

Thurs (21 June)
The guys arrived, except for Kenny, he came much earlier (couldn't stand the boring life of Launceston, i guess). Met up with them in the afternoon for lunch. There's this place called Bimbo (Yep, am not kidding). Apparently they have pizzas for 4 bucks during lunch each. Quite a neat corner upstairs, although quite dodgy upstairs. haha. There was bout 7 of us, the 3 guys, Jon, Li and I (Keith joined us later).

Later we had Jamaican pancakes at Tiamo's. Yummy! A must try.

Sat (23 June)
Went to Dandenong mountain with Li's cell group. Turns out, Alvin, Jia Yun and Eddie's in that cell too!!! Talk bout Easter cell reunion!!! haha. Of course, did meet Ben and Daryl, Ivie too...
Was quite nice, though could've been better if it wasn't so foggy...Best part is, we get to see the small English town in that place...Ooh, love old stuff!!! Ate Pies in the Sky and Miss Sxxxxx (really forgot her name!!!) but they served scones and tea...English stuff, I'm so cultured!!! hmm, reminds me of when I went to London, sipping tea...morning, afternoon, evening, supper. haha, tea all day long!!!
Just as we were leaving, an old couple passed by us...Apparently, Li heard they were celebrating their aniversary (Some years, i think) and she wished them...Guess what they replied...Something bout us Malaysians, how we're smart and that we will go far and surpass them own my heart, I was thinking to myself, AMEN to that!!! And they're Australians...Bless them folks =)

Sun (24 June)
Went to church with them, all I can remember I think. haha

Mon (25 June)
Took the guys to Vic Mart. At least Vincent was there, otherwise I would have been lost I think. haha. Then off to Smith Street. As I was the only girl, went to mostly guys apparel shops. Now I know how guys feel when shopping with girls. And to think, we take longer!!! haha. But it was fine, save and control my spending...

Later, to St. Kilda. Never been there before, imagine that! After all these months... haha. But it's all good...

At night, ate with the whole GT crew...(and some outsiders...) Saw Hui Yi and even bumped into Maxim and Billy!!!

next two days, phew, rest from the guys...=p

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